Degree Awarded
Bachelor of Arts in English, Minor
Program Delivery
Locations Available
Rindge, New Hampshire
We all communicate meaning through words, whether spoken or written for the page or screen. As an English major, you’ll be prepared to read, analyze, write, and edit texts about people grappling with the big questions of life — from relationships to religion to philosophy and beyond. By reading great literature, you’ll learn to communicate in a variety of styles and media. You’ll develop perspective and empathy, and be prepared to think, analyze, and communicate in any field you choose to enter.
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Program Highlights
You will acquire skills in critical thinking and problem solving, knowledge of literary genres and styles, language and interpretation. You will develop research and presentation skills as well as the ability to express yourself clearly in writing.
All English majors produce an electronic portfolio that demonstrates their achievement and preparation for graduate study and career fields. Students have pursed advanced study in English, creative writing, education, health administration, library science, business and law.
A major and minor are offered with concentrations in the following areas:
- Creative Writing
- Literature
- Education
Undergraduate Admissions